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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

This Week in Television - Nov. 2-6, 2009

Not sure I believe that Charlie is even still alive. I think her apology to Hiro was just a vision created by Samuel to get him on board with his plan. How many powers does this guy have, and how did he get them? LOL HE KILLED MOHINDER.

So this new show started up this week. It was cool, although I don't like Elizabeth Mitchell's teenage son and his friend. They're idiots and I don't care for them. The plane falling out of the sky when the ships arrived looked really cool, as did the ships themselves. And the reptile skin under the Visitor disguises. I like the idea of aliens pretending to be peaceful and helpful while secretly plotting to take over Earth. It's more interesting than just having them fly in and start blowing up major landmarks. I thought Morena Baccarin's performance was good too, she has a way of feigning pleasantness so that you can still kind of see that she is cold and robotic underneath. This show is apparently a remake of a mini-series but I have never seen it because it was almost before my time.

Survivor: Samoa
Russell wasted his idol, and in the preview for the next episode he looks scared and desperate. Sucker.

The turning people into dust thing was cool. Nice to finally see a bit more character development with Broyles.

Parks and Recreation
Ron and Tammy were hilarious together. I thought it was an interesting take that he doesn't actually hate his wife, he only convinces himself that he does in order to resist her.

The Office
Michael dumping Pam's mom after finding out her age was typical Michael, but the best part of the episode was Dwight and Andy's polite favour war. When Dwight was offering bagels at the beginning I at first thought he had put something in them, but I suppose that's not his style.

30 Rock
I kind of hope they continue to use the robot guy in TGS sketches, just because of how stupid it would be. Did anyone else catch Liz referring to Gilbert Gottfried as "Sir Gilbert Gottfried"?

Flash Forward
Al did a brave thing by killing himself, but if I were him I wouldn't have jumped off a building. I kept thinking how hilariously ironic it would be if he ended up landing on the woman he was supposed to have killed in the future. I don't think this means everyone else's futures won't happen though, it only means they can be altered.

Overall rating for this week's shows: A

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