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DVDs: 411 | Blu-rays: 624 | Television: 291 | Foreign Language: 91 | Animation: 102
Criterions: 38 | Steelbooks: 36 | Total: 1035

Saturday, May 21, 2011

This Week in Television - May 15-20, 2011

Survivor: Redemption Island (Sunday Finale)
That was actually fairly predictable and had no surprises. Most of the jury didn't even have questions for the final three, there were just a lot of angry comments. But I say this every season and I'll keep saying it: three people in the finals is pointless, because one of them always gets 0 votes. Every single time. And I knew this time it would be Natalie, because coattail riders don't get votes unless the jury has literally no respect for the others. Rob may have blindsided everyone, but he's no Russell. I thought the reunion show was actually more surprising because it contained things I wouldn't have expected, like Russell shaking Rob's hand, Grant still being pissed at Rob, and Phillip apparently being a real federal agent.

Glee rarely has any emotional effect on me, but for me the heart of the show has always been Sue and her sister. NOT the kids and their fickle romances, or even Mr. Schue and Emma, but I suppose they might be a very, very distant second. So I found this episode to be touching, until Finn broke up with Quinn again, and then I went back to not caring. And I don't like the idea - scratch that, I hate the idea - that Sue is going to respect Mr. Schue and stop trying to take down the glee club. I hope that's only temporary, because if her sister is dead then Sue is only at her best as the evil supervillain.

The Office
All of the guest stars were an obvious ploy to keep people interested without Steve Carell around, but I didn't mind much because I enjoyed all of the interviews with those strange applicants. I think my favourite was James Spader, somehow bordering between creepy and awesome and reminding me of a smarter, more aware version of Dwight. But I also really liked the build up to "The Finger Lakes Guy" being Jim Carrey, and I would like to see Will Arnett guest star on Community, because then he will have appeared on all four of the great NBC comedies. I don't think things are looking good for inside candidates Dwight, Andy, Darryl, and Kelly, and the network probably wants one of those movie star outsiders who can bring ratings, so maybe one of those actors can clear their schedules to return permanently in the fall. I'm hoping for Spader, Carrey, or Arnett, but Creed as manager was a hilarious substitute while we wait over the summer.

Parks and Recreation
These last two episodes of the season were brilliant. First, everyone dealing with Chris' changes to the department made for an interesting and funny storyline, and I'm getting on board with the Leslie/Ben relationship, so I didn't mind watching them get sloppy with their secrecy, which became an even bigger ripple effect in the second episode as it nearly destroyed the horse funeral. That one was especially brilliant with all of the developments that popped up without the episode feeling crowded: Li'l Sebastian dying, Tom possibly leaving for Jean-Ralphio's company, Leslie possibly running for Mayor and having to break up with Ben if she does, Chris possibly wanting to date Ann again, April becoming Andy's band manager, and the appearance of Ron's mysterious OTHER ex-wife Tammy, who is apparently so evil that even the hardcore Tammy we already know is scared to death of her. That is a lot to pack into a half hour, but they did it and it was amazing. The whole season has been strong, actually. Well played, Parks and Rec. Well played.

Hero of the Week: James Spader on The Office. Explanation not needed.

Douchebag of the Week: Angela from The Office, who already got it once for the same reason: too much boasting about her senator boyfriend. This week also adds her condescending remarks to Pam. Get off your high horse, little woman!

Glee's season finale is next week, but otherwise this pretty much concludes the television season. Keep an eye on the blog this summer, as I will be doing some special posts. We have the blog's second anniversary next month, I'll be doing a post on my favourite movies of 2010 (late, I know), I'll be watching some TV shows on DVD, and there will be a post about this entire TV season where I hand out plenty of pointless awards, including hero and douchebag OF THE SEASON!

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