

(some box sets are counted as more than one)
DVDs: 411 | Blu-rays: 624 | Television: 291 | Foreign Language: 91 | Animation: 102
Criterions: 38 | Steelbooks: 36 | Total: 1035

Friday, April 27, 2012

The Sunset Limited

Impressions before seeing it
A simple concept, but a good one: two cool actors sitting around having an existential debate.  Sounds good.

How was it?
The story goes that Tommy Lee Jones' character (credited as White) tried to commit suicide, but Sam Jackson's character (Black) saved him, then brought him back to his apartment to basically use religion in an attempt to convince him not to try it again.  Not an easy task, because White is a very sad and lonely man, and an atheist.

Like Carnage, The Sunset Limited is based on a play and takes place all in one room, meaning it is obviously very dialogue driven.  It's not nearly as fun to watch as Carnage, but it's an interesting conversation to listen in on as these two share their world views.  Personally I think talking is what Sam Jackson does best - not that he isn't a fun action star, but I like him better in his calmer roles - and Jones is an actor who can pull off sad and weary quite well.  Together they did well with the material, which was interesting but not exciting.  I felt like the movie didn't have much of a climax and could have used a crazy, jaw-dropping reveal, but I'm only saying that for entertainment's sake.  Truthfully, it might have sensationalized the film's substance and overshadowed the rest of the conversation if they'd done that.  And, treating it as a real conversation, it probably wouldn't have contained any major surprises in real life.  Probably why this was a TV movie; it doesn't have movie theater excitement.

I think it's a definite watch if you have an interest in these kinds of deep, intellectual conversations, but it's not for everyone because if I haven't already said it enough, the movie is just one long conversation.  I didn't quite love it, but I liked it.

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