

(some box sets are counted as more than one)
DVDs: 411 | Blu-rays: 624 | Television: 291 | Foreign Language: 91 | Animation: 102
Criterions: 38 | Steelbooks: 36 | Total: 1035

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Frequently Asked Questions About Time Travel

Impressions before seeing it
I can't remember where I first heard about this one, but the impression I got from the synopsis was that it was just three guys in a bar talking about time travel paradoxes the whole time. It speaks volumes about my nerdiness that I was interested in that.

How was it?
So this movie is about three friends, two of them nerds and one of them a cynic, who go to the pub one night and, after meeting a woman from the future (Anna Faris) who came to fix a time leak, discover that entering the pub's bathroom takes them back and forth through time.

I love time travel adventures, so I thought this movie was a lot of fun. Like Hot Tub Time Machine, which I also loved, there are a few references and tributes to other time travel movies, most notably Back to the Future (notice the watch-glancing pose on the poster?). Being the nerds that they are, our heroes know a bit about how to handle things, such as making sure not to come in contact with your past or future self, and not interfering in ways that could change the future, but that doesn't mean it's a breeze for them because they can't control where in time the bathroom takes them.

For a lower budget British movie, it was fairly well done, though there were a few things toward the end that didn't quite make sense to me. I'm not sure if they were flaws or if I'm just stupid. And as part comedy, I wouldn't consider it a total success in that department but not a total failure either, and my rule about that is that it's okay for a comedy to be unfunny as long as there's something else to enjoy about it, and of course this movie is full of time travel action. And, again, it's not unfunny, just not hilarious.

Fans of time travel should really enjoy it. I think Hot Tub Time Machine was funnier, but that's just my sense of humour, and for those who like variety, Hot Tub only went to one place in time, while FAQ goes all over the place. But both should be seen!


  1. i want more of these movies :(

  2. I can recommend some other time travel movies:

    -Time After Time
    -Time Bandits
    -12 Monkeys
    -Midnight in Paris


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