

(some box sets are counted as more than one)
DVDs: 411 | Blu-rays: 624 | Television: 291 | Foreign Language: 91 | Animation: 102
Criterions: 38 | Steelbooks: 36 | Total: 1035

Saturday, June 2, 2012

This Season in Television - 2011-2012 (Part 1)

Happy anniversary to the blog, which has been around for 3 years as of today!  A pretty big waste of time considering how few people read it, so let's waste some more time revisiting the TV season! All of the shows I watched this season (there were about 15 of them) are eligible to win these awards, even if I only watched a couple of episodes, but only those 15 shows.

Best New Show: It's a draw between New Girl and Awake, but given that one is a comedy and one is a drama, I'm not going to choose between them.  New Girl started out as a Zooey Deschanel vehicle where her character was the only funny one - which I didn't mind - but later evolved into a more cohesive ensemble comedy where everyone was able to make me laugh at different points.  It may not be as good as Community or Parks and Recreation, but it was still the best new comedy this season.  Awake had by far the best premise of anything that debuted this season, and it delivered everything it promised with a show that was engaging, enigmatic, moving, and powerful.  It's disappointing that it was cancelled, yet I was wholly satisfied by the ending.

Worst New Show: I'm not going to say The Playboy Club (which I liked more than most people did, I think); I'm going to say Smash, NBC's other big drama.  What puzzles me is why, between Smash and Glee, no one can write a musical television series that isn't infuriating.  To be fair, the writing wasn't nearly as messy as Glee's, but the characters were all such pretentious snobs that the half-hearted attempts to make them likeable did not outweigh how uninteresting they were.

Best Comeback: I define this award as going to the series that had a significantly better season this year than the previous one, but there isn't anything that qualifies this time around.  By saying that, I don't mean everything sucked; I mean everything was just as good or worse (see next award).

Worst Comeback: Here's an easy one.  Worst Comeback goes to Glee, which is always riddled with problems but somehow managed to get even worse this year as they unnecessarily added new characters (and then mostly ignored them), random storylines (also mostly ignored), and offensive attempts at handling serious issues.  Runner up: The Office, which still has its moments but isn't the same without Steve Carell.

Most Creative: For the second year in a row, Community is the most creative show on television.  Its experiments in different genres and styles remain unmatched in a medium that is slowly becoming homogenized.  Runner up: Awake, because it took the police serial and made it awesome.

Least Creative: I'd have to go with Suburgatory on this one. Not so much for the concept (although it isn't mindblowing), but for the humour, which was often dull or predictable, or both.  Especially in the Christmas episode, after which I stopped watching because it played out like it was written for children.  Plus voiceovers should be used sparingly and work better when the narrator isn't a character in the story (see Arrested Development). Runner Up: Up All Night, for many of the same reasons as Suburgatory, only it's less mediocre.

Best Opening Title Sequence: This is a new category this year, because I remembered how much I love credits sequences when they're done in a cool way.  Community often changes their credits for special episodes, and the coolest this season was probably the video game intro in "Digital Estate Planning".  Runners up: Community (Law & Order title sequence in "Basic Lupine Urology"), New Girl (the execution of it is almost like a live play, plus Zooey wrote the theme song herself.)

Best Finale Cliffhanger: I think a lot of shows didn't even have cliffhangers this season because they were worried about being cancelled, but there was one awesome cliffhanger that had me excited for the next season, and that was on Once Upon a Time.

Hero of the Season: Leslie Knope from Parks and Recreation.  She may not be the funniest character on the show, but she is just as lovable as the rest of the cast and her determination, dedication, strength, and warmth is what makes her awesome (she won Hero 3 times this season).  Runners up: Andy from Parks and Recreation, Jess from New Girl.

Douchebag of the Season: Alicia from Survivor: One World.  While she didn't win Douchebag the most times this season, and her castmate Colton was just as awful, she wins this one because I had to sit through every episode of the season listening to her brag, insult people, make offensive remarks, and pretend she's good at strategizing, all while the other players inexplicably seemed to like her.  I really couldn't stand her by the last few episodes, but I'm so happy she didn't win.  Runners up: Ryan from The Office (who did win Douchebag the most times: 4), Nellie from The Office, Coach Roz from Glee.

Part 2 coming up later this summer, which will contain my choices for the best episodes of the shows I watched.

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