

(some box sets are counted as more than one)
DVDs: 411 | Blu-rays: 624 | Television: 291 | Foreign Language: 91 | Animation: 102
Criterions: 38 | Steelbooks: 36 | Total: 1035

Thursday, July 23, 2009


Impressions before seeing it
Didn't know much about it except that the idea sounded kind of fun, it took forever to be released, and it has Kristen Bell, who I'm starting to like.

How was it?
Maybe my expectations were high but this could have been a better movie than it was. It didn't have the charm that other road trip movies tend to have, and it kind of fell flat on the "teen comedy" level as well. Also I just don't like Dan Fogler (how did this guy get into movies?), who was supposed to be the funny one but wasn't.

But to talk about the positives: it is at least entertaining and has plenty of fun cameos if you enjoy that sort of thing. I also liked Seth Rogan playing two roles, one a Star Trek fan and the other a Star Wars fan, and then getting into a fight with himself. If you are a big Star Wars fan then this movie might hold an extra level of enjoyment for you because it's also full of references to the series, although my personal favourite part was when the gang was looking through George Lucas's memorabilia room and one kid got excited about Willow's spellbook and nobody else cared. That kid would be me, because I am a huge Willow fan and think it's actually way more fun than all of the Star Wars films put together. I hope what the movie was trying to do by inserting that moment was to hint at how underrated Willow is, but more likely they were probably saying it sucks. Dicks.

If you're a hardcore Star Wars fan you might get a kick out of it. For anyone else, it's average at best.

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