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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

This Week in Television - Apr. 12-16, 2010

It was kind of nice that Hurley and Libby finally got their picnic date. Good for them. I suppose love is going to bring the two timelines together. Unless you're Locke, in which case it's being run down by Desmond. My theory is that he was trying to kill him so that Locke would be dead in both timelines for synchronization purposes, but it could also be that he only wanted to injure him to force him into getting fixed by Jack, or that he wanted revenge for being tossed down the well. I really don't know which one. P.S. Hurley's mom is always funny.

Sue is back and dishing out more insults about Schuester's hair. I like it. But I found it weird that Schuester would make out with the coach from Vocal Adrenaline while dating Emma when he wouldn't do anything with Emma while still with his wife. I guess he's just more of a horndog than I thought. Speaking of horndogs, Finn's three-way date with Brittany and Santana was kind of funny. As opposed to "Schue", I did buy that Finn would ditch Rachel for them because he's already made it clear that he thinks with his groin as per his intentions with Quinn at the beginning of the series.

Hmm, I think V may be slowly becoming a better show than Flash Forward. It started off slowly but now it's got my interest again, and I think this is because they apparently have a new executive producer behind the show. I do think they need to work on characters though, because I can't say I like most of them, or even know most of them well enough. But Chad Decker was cool this week when I was previously indifferent to him, because he finally had Anna by the balls and made her sweat a little. I'm also interested to see the Anna egg-birthing story play out. And I hope there is a better reason for Tyler finding out his father isn't his father than just to create drama and tension between him and Erica. Because that would only work if I liked Tyler.

Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains
I want to root for the Heroes tribe, but they make it hard when they pull stupid stunts like giving Russell an idol. Was it really so important to save him from a supposed women's alliance that an extremely risky move was appropriate? It would have been easier and more practical to just try and convince someone to flip once the merge happens - especially with the idol in hand, which they could have used to their advantage to win over a 5-5 vote. And even if they don't know Russell's game being that his season was too recent, they should have figured that he was on the Villains tribe for a reason and therefore was probably not trustworthy. Now Russell and Parvati both have idols. Ugh.

Flash Forward
Oh snap, Demetri is Janis's baby daddy! Oh snap, Lloyd and Olivia are hooking up! Oh snap, Aaron gets guns and FBI assistance to rescue Tracy! Oh snap, D. Gibbons kidnapped Demetri before his wedding! Nah, it wasn't really that exciting. I'm going to keep watching but I don't expect Flash Forward to return for a second season, it looks like the ratings have been steadily declining each episode.

Peter Weller is looking old. This was a cool episode though - I enjoyed the time travel resets and the subtle differences between the multiple viewings of scenes. I'm not really sure why Peter would be so mad at Walter though if he found out he was from the other side.

Hero of the Week: Alistair Peck (Peter Weller) from Fringe, for doing the right thing in the end, and because all of the crazy machinery beneath his flesh was almost like a throwback to Robocop. Almost.

Douchebag of the Week: I'm not sure whether to be more angry at JT from Survivor for suggesting such a horrible plan, or the rest of the Heroes tribe for agreeing to it, so I'm giving the Douchebag award to the entire Heroes tribe, including JT. And with that the Heroes tribe become the first television characters to be both Hero of the Week and Douchebag of the Week.

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