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Monday, April 12, 2010

This Week in Television - Apr. 5-9, 2010

I like Desmond and it was nice that this episode touched on the importance of love, but being that it took place almost entirely in the alternate timeline, it didn't move the story along that much so I don't really know what to say about it. I did like the eerie scene where Charlie and Desmond replicated the season 3 finale moment in the Looking Glass station. I think Charlie knew what he was doing, he had that look on his face.

This was probably the best episode so far, which isn't really saying a lot but I hope the show continues to improve. But I don't understand why Ryan thinks he can hide an alien baby from his woman when it's inside her stomach. You might as well tell her now, dude, because she's going to notice when it comes out of her. Anyway, it looks like the war is slowly getting on its way, and that's what made this episode good. It was cool of Georgie to sacrifice himself. He shouldn't have gone to the ship in the first place, although if he hadn't then Ryan would've gotten busted. But then Ryan shouldn't have been constantly looking around him every second he was on the ship, because that was idiotically conspicuous. Is this show full of idiots? I mean Valerie almost ate a rat and she didn't even wonder why. In spite of my complaining I don't mind this show, but I don't think I've seen anyone make any brilliant choices yet.

Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains
Amanda and Sandra were the stars of this week's episode. Amanda because she caught JT redhanded with the immunity idol and won the bowling challenge for the Heroes, and Sandra because she brilliantly ran the show by running Russell in order to give Coach the boot. Dragonslayer slayed! But I hope the Heroes will put a stop to JT - if next week's preview is any indication, I smell a future Douchebag of the Week!

Flash Forward
This episode was alright, but the ending with Janis turning out to be a mole seemed like it was in there for shock value and not because it would make any sense. When you put in a plot twist, it's supposed to be logical but not predictable. This one was unpredictable, but only because there was no precedent for it - in other words, it's not something where you could look back at previous episodes and notice that they have been hinting at it all along, because they haven't been.

Another movie inside joke this week, with Diane Kruger guest-starring and dropping the name "Gorlami" for the Inglourious Basterds fans. Nice to see Walter making taffy after a short hiatus from food obsessions.

Hero of the Week: Desmond from Lost, because every time the universe tries to keep him away from Penny, he defies time and space to get her back again.

Douchebag of the Week: Let's say Ryan from V. He can be a cool character, but this week he was dumb.

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