

(some box sets are counted as more than one)
DVDs: 411 | Blu-rays: 624 | Television: 291 | Foreign Language: 91 | Animation: 102
Criterions: 38 | Steelbooks: 36 | Total: 1035

Monday, February 7, 2011

Dexter - Season Four

Everyone says that season four is the best season of Dexter, and I can see why. While Dexter kills dozens of people every season, there is always one main villain, one high profile and exceptionally dangerous killer each year that takes him all season to catch. I don't know if I would say the Trinity Killer (season-long guest star John Lithgow) is the most dangerous so far - Lila and Miguel would duke it out for that title, I think - but he is certainly the most fascinating. Lithgow brought a multi-faceted performance that showcased the different sides of his character: sometimes he's creepy, sometimes he's outright scary, sometimes he's sad and pathetic, and sometimes he's surprisingly warm and pleasant, even if that last one is just an act. I know he got some awards for this performance, and now I know they were well deserved.

As for Dexter, I am enjoying the slow transformation of his character. When the series began, he apparently felt no emotions, ever, and was always faking everything, including his relationship with Rita. Now, after marrying her and having a son, he's realizing that he actually does love his family and even wants to become a better person. Perhaps even get rid of his "dark passenger", although after the finale I don't know if I see that happening now. Speaking of the finale, I had the ending spoiled for me, so it kind of ruined the impact, but I did shed some tears when Deb admitted how much Dexter means to her. Some people hate Deb because she's so emotional, but I like that she wears her heart on her sleeve. It contrasts well with Dexter's introversion.

Lastly: not a fan of Batista and LaGuerta together. Sorry, still hate her. The only good part of that whole story arc was when she confronted Captain Matthews about why he doesn't like her. "What is it about me?" she asks. "Is it my gender, my race, what?" He looks her in the eye and says "Your arrogance." Cue me on the couch, smiling and nodding in satisfaction.

Best episode: Pretty much every episode was top notch and had a cool reveal or twist, but I think I'd have to go with the second last episode in the season, "Hello, Dexter Morgan", in which Dexter and the Trinity Killer are at war with each other, Matthews calls LaGuerta arrogant, and Trinity finds out Dexter's real name. I might have picked the finale if it hadn't been spoiled for me, but again, the effect was lost on me because of it.

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