

(some box sets are counted as more than one)
DVDs: 411 | Blu-rays: 624 | Television: 291 | Foreign Language: 91 | Animation: 102
Criterions: 38 | Steelbooks: 36 | Total: 1035

Monday, August 10, 2009


Impressions before seeing it
I knew it was an Oscar movie and that there was something about a nunnery. I wanted to see it for the Oscar part.

How was it?
I expected it to be good, but I wasn't expecting to love it as much as I did. First of all, the main cast is fantastic and their performances helped drive up the intensity. I think I like seeing actors yell at each other, and when they're as talented as these three are it's like sitting in the front row at Sea World: you might get wet.

This movie is not about a priest who may or may not have a thing for little boys. I mean it is, but only on the surface. What it's about, as the title so aptly suggests, is doubt. I'm sure we've all known someone we didn't like simply based on impressions and intuitions, and not really because that person necessarily did anything wrong. I think it's just part of human nature, some people rub us the wrong way and there isn't always a good reason for it, the feeling is just there. Am I saying that I think Sister Aloysius (Streep) was wrong and that Father Flynn (Hoffman) is innocent? No, nor am I saying that I think he's guilty. It doesn't even matter if he is. The movie's not about him, it's about Sister Aloysius. This is a very strong-willed woman who believes in what she knows. The problem is, she doesn't know anything because there is no evidence against Flynn. Therefore all she has is faith. Not faith in God, although she is a nun, but faith in herself, that her instincts are correct. But that's what faith is. If there were any proof, it wouldn't be faith. Nor would it be faith without a certain amount of doubt, because we as human beings have trouble believing without at least some proof. And that's why the film never reveals what really happened in Father Flynn's rectory.

This is a powerful film. I think everyone should see it.

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