

(some box sets are counted as more than one)
DVDs: 411 | Blu-rays: 624 | Television: 291 | Foreign Language: 91 | Animation: 102
Criterions: 38 | Steelbooks: 36 | Total: 1035

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Away We Go

Impressions before seeing it
I'd heard some good things here and there, and I like indie romances. Fairly high expectations.

How was it?
This movie was really funny thanks to a number of wacky supporting characters and comedic actors, including John Krasinski and Maya Rudolph in the lead roles. But it also has those dramatic indie moments, which the actors also handle quite well.

But really this movie is a family study. Our pregnant couple, Burt and Verona, travel the continent to visit friends and relatives to see if their families would provide a suitable and supporting environment for their child to grow up near. One family is derogatory and the parents make fun of their kids; one family is made up of hardcore hippies who love their children too much; and one family (in Canada!) is actually quite loving and the kids are well-behaved, although they're adopted because the couple can't conceive. It's almost like Goldilocks trying out the three bowls of porridge.

I also found the sideplot interesting about how Verona refuses to marry Burt even though they agree they are soulmates. "I don't see the point", she says. I can sort of understand that view, because if you want to get down to it, the only real difference between a married couple and a common law couple are a piece of paper and some rings. The important thing is that they make each other happy, and they do. I think the scene at the end where they lie on the trampoline was meant to be their unofficial marriage ceremony anyway. They ask each other a series of "Do you promise to...?" questions answered with "I do's", so it's obviously symolizing marriage vows. They did the important part of the ceremony. The paper and the rings aren't really important, they only prove that you did the important part, which is the promise of unconditional love.

I would say this is an important film for anyone looking to someday get married and/or start a family. Also it's just funny and the characters are likeable, so you could watch it for that, too.

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