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Monday, October 5, 2009

This Week in Television - Sept. 28-Oct. 2, 2009

You would think that a guy whose power was the ability to manipulate ink could better insert himself into a newspaper photograph so that he didn't look BLATANTLY PHOTOSHOPPED. I'm not sure if it was just poorly done or if they did it that way to make him stand out in the photo for the viewer's sake, but I think the latter was unnecessary so they could have done a better job. In reality, a person in a photo with completely different brightness/contrast than the rest of the photo is clearly shopped and Peter would have noticed that. And what's the deal with the deaf woman? Okay, so she can see sound as colour and that's nice for a deaf person and all, but how is it in any way useful in the grand scheme of the show? I'm stumped on that one. P.S. Gretchen totally wants Claire. I think she made the roommate kill herself to get in on that.

Not enough Sue Sylvester (Jane Lynch) in this episode, but her one line still managed to be the funniest part. Luckily Kristin Chenoweth was an excellent choice for a guest star and actually made it a decent episode.

Survivor: Samoa
Not sure I like them combining reward and immunity challenges into one all the time now. Ben was dumb and deserved to go home.

Man, I'm loving this season of Fringe so far. Was the ending implying that Walter is going to destroy the world?

Parks and Recreation
April was funny in this episode. Probably the least effort anyone's ever put into a beauty pagent. Once again I also like the satire in this episode commenting on chauvinism and how hot girls always get farther than smart girls because of it. Tom's pimp strategy of giving girls his house key was also funny.

The Office
I liked this episode, it was interesting seeing Jim and Michael work together, butting heads and then cooperating, and the nice scene at the end where they didn't have to bare their unpopular decision alone. When Jim had to make his unfortunate announcement, I thought Michael was going to step in and show him up by saying something to fix the situation, but he only made it worse so I liked that I wasn't able to predict that.

Flash Forward
I have one complaint about this show: Too much belittling of audience memory. They must have shown Olivia's damn vision at least five times during the episode (not even counting the recap at the beginning), always the same shots and camera angles and everything. Really, guys, did your market research tell you that the majority of your viewers were burnouts and junkies with 5 minute memories? I mean if you want to show each vision like once an episode, fine, but we don't need to keep seeing them again in such a short timeframe. They weren't complex enough to warrant that. But all of that aside, I am finding Flash Forward very interesting so far. I hope they continue to explore that strange mystery man and why D. Gibbons was talking to him during the blackout.

Overall rating for this week's shows: A

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