

(some box sets are counted as more than one)
DVDs: 411 | Blu-rays: 624 | Television: 291 | Foreign Language: 91 | Animation: 102
Criterions: 38 | Steelbooks: 36 | Total: 1035

Friday, October 23, 2009

The IT Crowd - Season 3

Impressions before seeing it
Very much enjoyed the first two seasons. I bought the season 3 DVD without having seen it.

How was it?
As I said the last two times, brilliant DVD menus. I also like how the video games they parody get more advanced with each season: they started with Commodore/Coleco type games on the season 1 disc, then it was Super Nintendo games, and for this one they used internet games. If they do another season they might have to move into 3D stuff. It's amazing how some of them even kind of act out entire episodes if you sit and watch them.

But how is the show itself holding up after three seasons? Well, I think I would have to say that season 3 is my favourite season. All 6 episodes were very solid and had some top notch storylines, weaved together in an almost Seinfeld-like way so that they collide and affect each other by the end of the episode. I love that Denholm was able to make a cameo by appearing in Hell, deceitfully looking like Heaven except for the fact that Hitler is present. I also related to the episode where Moss and Roy use a website that teaches nerds to pretend they know what they're talking about when conversing about sports so as to look good in front of the "manly" guys. I would be in the same boat as them, no clue. And I believe that if the internet could be manifested into a physical object, it would look like a little black box with a blinking red light on top. But the best moment by far: Moss getting knocked out and then playing the Windows startup sound when he opens his eyes. Genius.

Still one of the best nerd shows out there, and if you liked the first two seasons you gotta keep going, it gets better.

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