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Friday, October 30, 2009

This Week in Television - Oct. 19-23, 2009

It would've been faster for Peter to teleport that kid back to the hospital to help Hiro, which is what I was thinking they would do, but apparently that never occurred to him. On the other hand it never occurred to me for Peter to take the kid's power and catch a flight back. I don't think Hiro will get to save Charlie because then she would probably have to become a series regular and Jayma Mays is busy on Glee. I did hear she was going to guest star though so I think we'll see her next week.

I don't buy that girls wouldn't like Puck for being a jerk. High school girls especially love good-looking jerks. Sue's tacky red zoot suit was great.

Survivor: Samoa
You know, it's really suspicious how they always only have one challenge in episodes where there is too much drama to allow time for a second challenge. And no, I don't think they make that decision AFTER the drama happens, because Russell passed out at the challenge, which was for reward and then both tribes were going to tribal council with no immunity, so there was no second challenge planned before they started. I'm on to you, fake television!

Parks and Recreation
Cool to see Aziz's buddy from Human Giant making a guest appearance, but otherwise this episode wasn't really that special. But hey, at least they finally got the pit filled in.

The Office
Probably one of the weakest episodes of the season so far. Most of it was just Pam reacting to Michael hooking up with her mom. Although I did like that her initial reaction was to run screaming from the room like an 8 year-old.

30 Rock
Always a great episode when Will Arnett guest stars. I hope the epic battle between Banks and Donaghy never ends.

Flash Forward
Okay, so there was no mention whatsoever of Dominic Monaghan or his mysterious phonecall from the end of the last episode. I kind of liked the courtroom stuff though. I guess there's always going to be people questioning the validity of the flash forwards. I wonder if Janis is dead and they were showing her flash forward for irony's sake and to show that it's not going to come true, or to remind us that it still is. She was shot in the stomach I think, not the chest, so she may survive.

Overall rating for this week's shows: B (Okay, so I'll keep the rating after all. Some weeks aren't as good as others.)

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